The NSFW NANO Ad Campaign

Funding ads for Nano on Pornhub and other popular adult websites

Nano Rooster,  the resulting ad banner

An experimental ad campaign was conducted, promoting Nano and referring people to /r/nanocurrency on the NSFW ad network TrafficJunky. The result, posted here and its updates, have shown that it's an extremely cost effective method in connecting people to /r/nanocurrency and Nano.

A proposal to formalize funding was posted in the first update to the original post. At the time of writing, ~150 Nano have already been raised through tips from community members to fund the campaign.

This Nano Center project seeks to open an escrow account for this ad campaign, reducing trust needed to run the campaign and minimizing any loss in funds if something goes wrong. Contingent on update posts after each completed round of advertising, continued ad funding from the Nano Center controlled escrow account shall be released to this wallet address: nano_31hq9eiq5ajtny38647ck4nxjackswb6uqba9e3nxkyeih1x5pbsa8begzer

Tips will still be accepted to the personal Nano Tipper address of /u/AliteracyRocks, however future posts will refer larger donations to the new Nano Center escrow account.

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